FAQ Learn about some of the frequently asked questions from our community members.

Last updated by: joelhalen (17 days ago)
If you find that your question is not answered, please feel free to reach out in Discord

Simply put, a DropTracker Group represents a Discord server with an associated WiseOldMan Group ID. These could consists of members of a specific OSRS clan, a group of friends, a Group Ironman team, etc. To create a group, check out the Group Setup page.

This is inherited from the way that the DropTracker initially decided to register groups and manage members. By associating our Groups with WiseOldMan groups, we can stay up-to-date on membership changes. There are currently no plans to remove this requirement.

You can either Join our Discord server, or create an issue:

GitHub - DropTracker Plugin
GitHub - Discord Bot

Authentication tokens help us to confirm you are who you say you are. Due to the inherent nature of the way the DropTracker works, anyone and everyone can send in a drop claiming to be whoever they want. By registering and using your Authentication Token in the plugin configuration, we're able to say with a higher level of certainty that you are truthfully submitting what you receive.
You can obtain an authentication token by claiming your RSN on discord, using /claim-rsn.

Visit Wise Old Man's Website and search for your group in the top search bar. Once you're on the page, your ID will be displayed at the end of the URL, i.e. wiseoldman.net/groups/1234

Thanks for asking!
This project has been around for a number of years, and through those has never needed to ask for monetary help from its users.
However, as of lately we've started to offer premium features to our Patreon subscribers.
If you find that the features the DropTracker is able to provide to you or your group are worth helping us keep the lights on, please feel free to subscribe + unlock more content.
There are plans in the future for everything we offer to be free on the surface level, but at the moment it isn't financially stable to do so.