Website No description yet.

Last updated by: koeppy (18 days ago)

Home Page

The Home Page shows the current global lootboard for the month. When initially arriving at the website it is recommended to sign in through your discord so we can connect you to the correct Group and User.

Group Configuration

If you are in a group that you have authorization to make changes to, you can access your group settings by clicking the link in the navigation menu (you'll need to login first)

When groups are first created, they are granted a 7-day trial to our Patreon-only features, which include:
  • Collection Log Notifications
  • Personal Best Notifications
  • Combat Achievement Notifications
  • Google Sheets Integration
  • Selection between multiple Loot Leaderboard themes
  • Invites to help bug-test new & upcoming DropTracker features

Following this trial, a Patreon subscription at Tier 2 ($9.99/mo.) is required.


Select which channels you want the DropTracker discord bot to interact with.

Lootboard Channel Note: This channel should remain view-only to users, with the only message being the one our bot sends.

  • This message will continuously be updated, indefinitely. The loot leaderboard message is never re-sent; unless it's deleted.

You can also optionally configure the following voice channels to update:

Current Monthly Loot Tally

  • Displays your group's total loot for the calendar month, updating every 10 minutes.

Example of Monthly Loot Display Voice Channel

Current DropTracker user count

  • Displays the total number of registered users in your Group tracking in the DropTracker database.

(image): Example of DropTracker user count


The notification settings determines the rules for an image/embed to be sent to the discord for the group.
Note: If you set only send message with images, drops without images are still stored and counted toward the lootboard but no notification will be sent.
Note: The minimum Drop Value to Notify is the value for one item and does not take in consideration the gp value for a stack of items.

Other Integrations

Tier 2 Patreon subscribers can configure Google Sheet URLs here, along with a publicly-accessible Discord Invite Link to share with submissions your group members receive when they're sent to the DropTracker Discord server.
(image): Google Sheet example

User Configuration

If you have created your group with the discord bot and you are an authorized user to update the group configuration you can navigate into the settings for the group configuration.
After the first time signing into the website, you will have a week trial of the following individual Patreon features:

  • Google Sheets Integration
  • Send drops to personal Webhook

Once the trial has expired the following features will be disabled until you subscribe to Tier 1 of the Patreon ($4.99 a month).


Within the Integration Settings users can determine if they want their drops to be sent to a google spread sheet Tier 1 Patreon Subscribers only , Have the drops sent to a personal webhook Tier 1 Patreon Subscribers only and remove themselves from global leaderboards / side panel lookups.
Note: It is Recommended for Hardcore Ironmen to hide themselves from the Global Lootboard and Side Panel to prevent people using it to scout their activities.


User Notifications allows you to determine if you want the Discord Bot to send you direct messages in the following situations:

  • You are added to a new DropTracker Group
  • A Drop/Collection Log/Combat Achievement/Personal Best was sent to the database without the authentication token


Invite our Bot to your Discord server
DropTracker on Patreon
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