Discord Bot Discord Bot usage & command reference

Last updated by: koeppy (18 days ago)

Initial Set up

Invite the Discord Bot to your server by clicking here.
To see all the commands in the discord use /help

Group Configuration (Admin)

Note: A WiseOldMan Group ID is currently a prerequisite for creating a DropTracker group. If you do not have one, you can create one using this link.

Once the Bot is in your guild, you can create a group using /create-group

With your DropTracker group created you can further update the group configurations by going to the website by using /group-config

Verifying my RSN

To be eligible for Global ranking, you must link your rsn to your discord by using /claim-rsn. Using this command will send you an authentication token that you can enter in your Runelite Plugin.
Result from Claiming rsn

Note: Drops and PBs submitted prior to the authentication token will not be taken into consideration for global ranking.

If you ever lose or forget your authentication token. You can have the discord bot send it to you again using /get-token.

Other Commands


  • Lists out all the ingame accounts associated with your discord account.


  • Explains the Patreon Benefits


  • This shows a screenshot of the current global lootboard with the ranking

Example of Images/Embeds

Loot Leaderboard:
Lootboard Example
Valuable Drop:
Valuable Drop Screenshot
Collection Log:
Collection Log Screenshot

Personal Best:
Personal Best Screenshot
Combat Tasks:
Combat Task Screenshot


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